The Team

Alli Payonk

Alli is a board-certified music therapist by day and a crafter/rom-com watcher by night. She is a St. Louis transplant, ready to attempt keeping up with high schoolers without knowing anything about St. Louis high schools.

“Have confidence in Providence which has so far never failed us.” - St. Theodora Guerin

Nicole Paden

Nicole is so excited to be working with the youth ministry program at Church of the Magdalen! She and her husband moved to St. Louis in August of 2021, so she is still fairly new to the area. In her free time she likes exploring new places or trying new things.

“Without the grace of God I should not know how to do anything.” - St. Joan of Arc

Charlie Moody

Charlie is a young adult Catholic who likes St. Joseph, sports, and general merriment. He’s lived in South City his whole life and wants to help the community grow! He hopes you will come join us in youth group so we can get to know each other better!


"Whether we realize it or not, prayer is the encounter of God's thirst with ours. God thirsts that we may thirst for him."
- St. Augustine

Erin Moody

As a Core Team member, Erin helps teens have fun, encounter Christ, and maybe participate in a random dance party or two!

“Let us be who we are, and be that well, in order to bring honor to the Master Craftsman whose handiwork we are.” - St. Francis De Dales

Kate Mattoon