Click here for an important update from Magdalen SVdP
St. Vincent de Paul Conference
“St. Vincent de Paul is a network of friends, inspired by Gospel values, growing in holiness and building a more just world through personal relationships with and service to people in need.”
Contact us.
St. Vincent de Paul Society
(314) 352-2111 x 115
What to Expect When You Contact Us:
· The phone number will reach our hotline voicemail. A volunteer will return your call as soon as possible to help with next steps.
· When you call for monetary help (like rental or utility assistance), we will schedule a face-to-face interview with you and a SVDP volunteer. You will need to have your ID, proof of your current address, proof of household income, and the bill or lease information.
· Those who are requesting food from our food pantry must show ID and current address. Food pantry requests require an appointment to pick up food. A volunteer will call you to set up an appointment.
· Finally, do not wait until the day before your bill is due to make initial contact with us. We want to be able to assist you, but please note that we are all volunteers and are not available every day of the week!
The St. Vincent de Paul conference at Church of the Magdalen -Southampton is committed to helping our neighbors in need. By providing utility assistance, food, clothing, and other essential needs, we hope we can live the Gospel call of Jesus: “Whatever you did to the least of these, you did for Me.” Matthew 25:40
Contact us. We’re here to help.
Helpful Tips & Community Resources:
- Homeless Seeking Shelter: Dial 211
- MO Dept of Family Services: https://mydss.mo.gov/services
o This is the Family Support Division with information on Health Care, Food Stamps, Child Support, Energy Assistance and other services.
o If you are in need of energy assistance (help with heating and cooling your home), you can download fill out and submit a Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program(LIHEAP) application from this site.
( If you are single making less than $17,500.00 per year, you can possibly qualify. That income level rises for families with more than 1 person.)
- Urban League: 314-615-3632
o The Urban League manages the Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) in the City of St. Louis. You can apply with them for assistance with heating and cooling bills.
- Looking for a job? Search online for: “St. Louis regional hot jobs”