So you know the Our Father and the Hail Mary. You know the disciples and where Jesus was born.
Now what?
Don’t worry about sounding all formal. Jesus wants to meet us right where we’re at.
Talk to Him! Let Him know how you’re feeling! Learn to listen to the sound of His voice. Invite Jesus to draw near.
Below are some resources to help with your faith journey.
Ways to Pray
We believe Jesus is present in the Blessed Sacrament. At Mass He changes bread and wine into His very self. “Take and eat. This is my Body” (Matt. 26:26).
In Eucharistic Adoration, we spend quiet moments before Jesus and let Him love us.
Holy Mass
At Mass we get to celebrate what Jesus gave to us at the Last Supper: Himself! We read from Scripture, sing songs, receive His Body and Blood, and gather as a community.
Sacred Scripture
God’s inspired Word is contained in the Bible! Find a cozy spot and read a small passage at a time. Ask the Lord, “how are you trying to love me in this passage?” What feelings come up as you reflect. Jot them down!
The best thing we can do with Scripture is what the angel said to St. Augustine: “Take up and read!”
Curious where to start? Try the daily Gospel reading (check out Daily Readings) or choose one Gospel (Matthew, Mark, Luke , or John) and read one chapter at a time.
Am I doing this right? Lol.
Here’s a step-by-step guide to deepening prayer.
Read the front; pray the back!